Below you will find links to all our key policies.
(Please note this page is currently being updated if you require any of our policies please contact the office on and we will be happy to help)
A1 Accident and first aid
A2 Access policy
A3 Admissions
A4 Additional learning needs
A5 Allergy and Allergic reactions
A6 Anti-Bullying
A7 Attendance
A8 Arrivals and departures
B1 Behaviour management
C1 Complaints
C2 Confidentiality & data protection
C3 Curriculum policy
C4 Coronavirus (Archived- no longer in use)
E1 Equal opportunities
E2 Emergency evacuation procedure
F1 Fire safety
F2 Food hygiene
F3 Food and healthy eating
H1 Health and Safety policy
I1 Infection control, and cleaning
L1 Lost, missing or not collected child
L2 Lost items and responsibility
M1 Medication policy
O1 Outside users, visitors and volunteers
O2 Outside contractors and hot work
R1 Risk management in play /learning
S1 Sickness and illness
S2 Staff disciplinary policy and procedure
S4 Staff code of conduct
S3 Safeguarding
S6 Snow and bad weather
T1 Toileting and nappy changing
T2 Trips and outing
U1 Uniform policy
V1 Video and photography
W1 Whistle blowing
SC1 School charter 1