News and term events
Anti-Bullying Odd Socks Day

On Monday 14 November we will be taking part in the anti-bullying alliance odd socks day. Students are invited to come in wearing odd socks. Discussions and activities regarding bullying will take place during the week..
Road Safety Week
Road Safety Week is Brake's biggest road safety campaign. On Wednesday 16 November we join thousands of schools, organisations and communities to share important road safety messages
Children In Need

On Friday 18 November we will be raising money for Children in Need. This years theme is SPOTacular! Students are invited to wear spots or yellow. Children in Need is a charity that provides grants and funding to projects based in the UK that have the aim of helping disadvantaged young people.
Toddler Community Cookery Day

On Wednesday 30th November Cook Stars will be visiting our Toddler Community for a cookery session.
Oceans of Plastic

Oceans of Plastic is an initiative created with the aim of shining the spotlight on plastic pollution in our world's oceans. It takes place this year on Tuesday 22 November.
Bodhi Day

On Thursday 8 December students will be learning about Bodhi Day. Bodhi Day is a Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day that Gautama Buddha (Shakyamuni) is said to have attained enlightenment.

On Friday 16 December students will be learning about Hanukka. Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hannuka, is a Jewish festival that begins on 18 December.
Christmas Jumper Day and Party

Wednesday 21 December will be a non-uniform day and students are invited to come into school wearing festive jumpers. They will be learning about Christmas and its importance in Christianity. Children do not need to bring lunch on this day as food and snacks will be provided. The day will be filled with activities and games!
Annual Winter Concert

Monday 19 December - Annual Winter Concert school performance. For details please refer to the newsletter.
Other key dates

Friday 11 November - Flu immunizations
Friday 11 November- Remembrance day
Wednesday 16 November- School photo day
21/11/22 to 2/12/22- Parent teacher meetings